Acoustic Levitator

Acoustic Levitator

Acoustic Levitator use acoustic waves to hold in mid-air samples such as water, ants or tiny electric components. This technology has been previously restricted to a couple of research labs but now you can make it at your home.

Acoustic levitation has the potential to enable novel studies due to its ability to hold a wide variety of substances against gravity under container-less conditions. It has found application in spectroscopy, chemistry, and the study of organisms in microgravity.

Package List:
● 76x 10mm 40kHz transducers
● 1 x Arduino Nano
● 1 x L298N Dual Motor Drive Board
● 1 x Power switch
● 1 x DC adaptor 9V
● 1 x Jumper wires
● 6 x Black and red wire

● Instructables
● Scientific Information
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